DE Tickets

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Were music concert ticket sales up or down during 2008 in the USA?

I read a Yahoo article awhile back that said that music concert ticket sales were up during 2008. I can't find that article now. Any articles out there that show that tickets sales remained "up" in 2008 for music concerts?

Answer 1 :
Down, lot's of producers don't risk it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How can I surprise my friend with a concert ticket?

I bought a pair of concert tickets back in September and haven't told my friend yet... the concert is in 16 days.

I kind of wanted to surprise her the day of, but I'm afraid that she'll find out that the band is having a concert and then the surprise won't be...surprising?

What's a way I can give her the ticket.. as a surprise?

Answer 1 :
I would wait 'til about 7 days before the concert to make sure she has nothing coming up on the day of the concert. It'll also give her time to be prepared for it, excited for it, and a week to brag lol. Nice of you :)

Answer 2 :
if she finds out, lead her off and tell her you know I love this band, they canceled and give her a bogus story, but make sure she is free first and her plans are with you...Tell her that you really need her support for something and she has to be there for you...sturcture it like a prom I guess. give her clues to lead to your house and then take her off to the show...I dont know I wish I was more creative today

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tax deductible portion of a concert ticket to benefit a non-profit?

A friend of our organization has rented out an expensive venue to hold a concert, each ticket is $100 and all proceeds are going to our organization.

We aren't in anyway paying for the venue. The friend is paying the venue directly and he is not being reimbursed for renting it.

How much of each $100 ticket is tax-deductible?

Answer 1 :
None. Benefiting a non-profit is great, but if you receive something in return for a donation, it's not counted as a charitable donation - it's counted as a purchase. Sorry.

Answer 2 :
Nothing in your question indicates that ANY of the ticket price is tax deductibe. If this is a concert where the tickets normally go for $60, then the additional $40 would be deductible. But in this case it sounds like $100 is the normal (even if there's only one showing and it's all benefit) price of a ticket.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Whats the best way to get your money back through selling a concert ticket?

I have a spare ticket for a gig on Monday night as my friend pulled out in London and I was wondering that if I sold it outside the concert venue if I would get my money back? And if I were to do that how would I sell it to people? I'm not a ticket tout or anything.

Answer 1 :
If you go to the venue a couple of days before the event then you can usually get a full or partial refund, phone them first to ask though to avoid a wasted journey if they will not refund. Or sell it on ebay

Answer 2 :
I'd stand around the performing area and try to sell it and get cash. for the face value of course so you don't get arrested. cash only.

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